News > Response should have been much swifter, says Tata Sons Chairman 44 days after Air India ‘pee-gate’
Response should have been much swifter, says Tata Sons Chairman 44 days after Air India ‘pee-gate’
08/01/2023 04:52 PM | Click to read full article
Tata Sons Chairman N Chandrasekaran issued a media statement over the ‘peeing’ incident that took place on an Air India flight between New York and New Delhi, when a passenger Shankar Mishra allegedly urinated on his female co-passenger on November 26, 2022. He accepted that Air India should have responded to the situation more swiftly. He said, “The incident on Air India flight Al102 on November 26th, 2022, has been a matter of personal anguish to me and my colleagues at Air India.”