News > SWR gives 115 acres for Corridor 4, promises to okay airport line alignment
SWR gives 115 acres for Corridor 4, promises to okay airport line alignment
15/04/2024 11:19 AM | Click to read full article
South Western Railway (SWR) has finally given 115 acres of land for the Bengaluru Suburban Railway Project's 46.88-km line to connect Heelalige in the far south to Rajanukunte in the far north. However, it reduced the land for Corridor 2 from 157.07 acres to 85.707 acres. K-RIDE, a special-purpose vehicle for constructing the 149-km BSRP, gave L&T Limited the contract to design and build viaducts for Corridor 4 (Kanaka Line) on December 30, 2023.